Where does your sense of self come from?

Who or what is doing the experiencing, of our lives? This experiencing “I” in the question “Who am I?” Maybe we can just marvel at the efforts of people over millennia, from the Buddha sitting under the Bodhi tree to the modern philosopher and neuroscientist who has asked themselves the question “Who am I?” is at the heart of the debate about the self.

Anil Ananthaswamy

If I deny the experience of consciounsess, I deny the existence of a perceiver. Where does the sense of I come from?

Francis Lucille

Where does your sense of self come from? A scientific look: Anil Ananthaswamy

Maybe we can just marvel at the efforts of people over millennia, from the Buddha sitting under the Bodhi tree to the modern philosopher and neuroscientist who has asked themselves the question “Who am I?” Who or what is doing the experiencing, of our lives? This experiencing “I” in the question “Who am I?” is at the heart of the debate about the self.

Anil Ananthaswamy

If I deny the experience of consciousness, I deny the existence of a perceiver. Where does the sense of I come from?

Francis Lucille

We continue asking: Who Am I – and what is Silence n this context? 

Verbalizing how the Waking, Dream, Sleep and Deep Sleep States are experienced by us. What is it that experiences these states? Are we aware of our 1st thought upon waking and last thought before sleeping?

The age-old analogies with Sky and clouds, of the Stage vs the actors ont he stage, also explored soaking in the teachings of consciousness having an experience in the realm of matter and our lives described through a lens that reveals: The journey from matter to consiousness and back, where the fear of death is dissolving.


We continue unravelling the age-old teachings of Ayurveda, balancing the elements of air, ether, water, fire and earth, that make up this universe of which this body is part of.

Daily Pranayama:1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7tth and 8th in the sequence practiced today completing the sequence!

8 UTGEET: We added Utgeet, Vocalizing “Hari Om” a Primordial sound, to our set of seven Pranayamas.

  1. Bhastrika (Bellows breath) 
  2. Kapalabhati follows (Shining Skull)
  3. Anuoma Viloma (Alternate Nostril Breathing)
  4. Agni Sara 
  5. Brahmari (Bee’s Breath)
  6. UTJAYI Breath (Breath of Victory)
  7. SHEETALI & SHEETKARI -cooling breath – for anger, irritbility, cand other “fire” aggravated aspects of our body and mind.