Helena Petrovna Blavatsky on Essence and Eternity
This breath contains everything you need. Trust that each small step is leading you closer to your truth. In the quiet reflections of this journey I have discovered a simple truth.
The path is not about reaching a destination. It is about remembering who we are as we walk. It is not about gathering answers but about shedding everything we are not until only our purest Essence remains. That Essence is love, it is peace, it is the Eternal connection that unites us all.
The path is infinite because we are infinite beyond this life. beyond this body. The journey continues carrying with it the lessons, the experiences and the light we gather. Along the way there is no true end, only the understanding that the path itself is the purpose. And when we walk it with love, compassion and the wisdom of an open heart, each step becomes a celebration of life, an expression of The Eternity that lives.
—Excerpt from The Voice of Silence, written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky in 1889 based on Eastern Teachings—