Anandamayi Maa on the Eternal Unconditioned Awareness

In recognizing the eternal unconditioned awareness that is our true self, we unlock the door to the infinite, the eternal, the divine, the very essence of timeless teachings…in doing so, we may just discover the boundless wisdom that is our own fundamental nature waiting to be unveiled.

Anandamayi Maa

Working with Fear

The Buddha said there is nothign to fear

Rev. Meian Ebert, Shasta Abbey
We watched  Working with Fear – Rev, Meian Ebert, Shasta Abbey

All fears culiminate in the fear of death. This is our spiritual journey, remembering our true nature to be eternal – this body and mind made of 5 elements reverts to those 5 elements. What is the common component in fear regardless of what is causing it? Air and Ether element are agitated – signs and symptoms are of vitiated vata per the ancient teachings of Ayurveda.

The power of Fearless mudra (Abhya mudra), the context of where where hold fear in our body per the yogic teachings of the chakra system, the chakra of fear – Swadhisthana – also representing the water element in our body, is the fight and flight response – sweat and water and fire express. We call it stress in modern terms.

Lama Yeshe on Becoming Your Own Therapist

Becoming your own therapist means examining your own mental attitudes and understanding the nature of your own mind (your thoughts, emotions, and behaviours). Understanding the nature of your own mind allows you to control your mind naturally, without needing to push or force it…
This involves being aware of your internal world and recognizing the patterns and habits that shape your mind…you can cultivate a more positive and compassionate mindset, greater self-awareness and
inner peace.

Lama Yeshe

Aloneness to Oneness

Becoming your own therapist means examining your own mental attitudes and understanding the nature of your own mind (your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors). Understanding the nature of your own mind allows you to control your mind naturally, without needing to push or force it…

This involves being aware of your internal world and recognizing the patterns and habits that shape your mind…you can cultivate a more positive and compassionate mindset, greater self-awareness and
inner peace.

Lama Yeshe
We watched | ALONENESS TO ONENESS – Life Changing Spiritual Documentary Film on Non-duality  Todd Perelmuter

Only 5% of the stuff in our universe is made up of normal matter, but that is where most of us put 100% of our focus and attention. This creates an illusion of separateness where we believe we are alone and that when our material body dies, that’s the end. We even call this stuff “matter” because we believe it is all that matters. But, the other 95% of stuff in our universe is made up of energies and a mysterious dark matter, which actually govern our universe, our bodies, our experiences and our lives. This non-material universe can also be called the spiritual universe. As we tap into this spiritual dimension, we start to see how all things are connected, we see relationships, we feel energies, we sense intuition, and we discover the true nature of our mind. Todd Perelmuter takes us on a spiritual journey, from Aloneness to Oneness, where borders and barriers disappear, and open hearts and open minds take hold. It takes us to a place where anger, greed, hatred and fear cease to be, and only love, joy, peace and gratitude remain. Todd Perelmuter studied meditation and mindfulness from world-renowned teachers around the world for over 9 years. Upon his return to the States, he created EastWesticism, a nonprofit dedicated to helping everyone reach their highest potential and lead a peaceful, calm, and stress-free life. 

Our pure conscious awareness are similar in that nothing can alter those states you can never freeze space or burn space or alter space in any way it’s eternal and unchanging this is the nature of our true selves the realization comes that it’s not your life you can’t possess something you are you are life all the knowledge and wisdom is in each and every one of us you don’t have to read any book or belong to any religion this is a universal and available to everyone way of living never forget that every moment is a miracle you know that’s that’s the goal of spirituality is to never forget that death is the beginning of the last great adventure and exploration of humanity it’s every person gets to go explore this thing that no living person knows about death and of itself is a beautiful process it’s it’s like being born death is the great equalizer no matter
how rich or how poor we’re all going to that same direction everybody lives on through
life living on we’re all the same life force energy and that that’ll go on forever
life will go on experiencing the universe as the universe intended we’ve all been everybody and we’ll all be everybody it’s about enjoying the good times
while they’re here and knowing they won’t last and when the bad times come
imagine a movie where the camera is shaking all the time it would be the worst movie you’ve ever seen you could barely focus on anything that’s going on and you’d probably walk out in five minutes stillness is everything an opportunity to observe our chaotic mind and allow it to settle down no matter what else is happening to you …. more in the video…

Richard Miller on Awareness

Awareness, like space, does not discriminate one against the other, pushing this away and only wanting this. Can you feel yourself as this quality of welcoming neither pushing away nor holding on to each experience as it comes, it lives for while, and then dissolves.
Feeling yourself as a sense of being or presence in which everything is coming and going with no fear of stepping fully into your experience step into it…awareness is still here…caressing.

Richard Miller, iRest

What is in the gap between the thoughts?

Glimpses of love and joy or brief moments of deep peace are possible whenever a gap occurs in the stream of thought. For most people, such gaps happen rarely and only accidentally, in moments when the mind is rendered “speechless,” sometimes triggered by great beauty, extreme physical exertion, or even great danger. Suddenly, there is inner stillness.
And within that stillness there is a subtle but intense joy, there is love, there is peace.

Eckhart Tolle
We watched   What is in the gap between the thoughts? | Shiva Rudra

Gap between two thoughts – continuing to explore AKASHA (close translation is space that is not empty, it is also matter).

We explored the “gap” between two thoughts, the underlying teaching pointing to our true nature: A compilation of quotes expressing this very teaching,,,that which we get a glimpse of, that which we rest in, that which is our true nature..the background of awareness/: the canvas upon which life expresses and paints itself p the dance of life that may take us to experience the peak potnetial of our senses. No matter what, nothing can violate our true nature – remembering to stay in this gap is our spiritual journey – from matter back to consciousness, back to matter. Existence expeirencing itself.

Anadamurti Gurumaa on Yogic Sleep

Sometimes called yogic sleep, yoga nidra is defined by some as “a kind of deep sleep in which you don’t lose consciousness.” As well as creating a more restorative state of relaxation, it is said that yoga nidra can relieve stress, frustration and insomnia as well as muscular, emotional and mental tensions. In short, in can help us all deal better with the stress of modern life.

Anadamurti Gurumaa

Annie Payson Call on Power through Repose

With the practice of Yoga Nidra, every day you will become more sensitive to tension, and every day you will be better able to drop it.

Annie Payson Call, Power through Repose, Training for Rest
Portrait of Annie Call. Artist not stated, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Guided Meditation to Relax, Rejuvenate & Reform

With the practice of Yoga Nidra, every day you will become more sensitive to tension, and every day you will be better able to drop it.

Annie Payson Call, Power through Repose, Training for Rest

Sometimes called yogic sleep, yoga nidra is defined by some as “a kind of deep sleep in which you don’t lose consciousness.” As well as creating a more restorative state of relaxation, it is said that yoga nidra can relieve stress, frustration and insomnia as well as muscular, emotional and mental tensions. In short, in can help us all deal better with the stress of modern life.

Anadamurti Gurumaa

Yoga Nidra

Some related links to Yoga Nidra are presented below:
Yoga Nidra – Science, Benefits, Sankalpa & Practice

Advanced Yoga Nidra Meditation For Restful Sleep & Relaxation | Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR)

Research-backed benefits of Yoga Nidra | Anandmurti Gurumaa (English)

Sadhguru on the Basic Energy of the World

The basic energy in the world is just that – fire. So using fire as a way of keeping ourselves well is very much a part of the Yogic system. Lighting a lamp every night can make a world of difference to your well being.
